Find Schools Online - Music Degrees

When you study music at any of the schools listed below, you will most likely be studying music as it relates to the creation, recording and promotion of the songs produced. Songwriting is an important aspect of some music degrees and along with that writing of songs comes the inevitability of needing to know how to record it on to a storable media, and how to promote it once it has been recorded. A thorough knowledge of music as a business can also be very useful to anyone interested in making music their profession.

Choosing to get a degree in music could allow you to learn a little bit about every aspect of the creation and business of music as a profession, or it could allow you to focus in on one particular aspect such as sound engineering, music promotion, songwriting or performance.



Accounting | Animation | Architecture | Automotive | Business | Culinary | Education | Fashion Design
Graphic Design | Health Care Administration | Industrial | Information Technology (IT) | Interior Design
Massage Therapy | MBA Degrees | Medical & Health Care | Music | Photography
Web Design | Online Degrees

Below are more details about some select schools offering music programs: