Find Schools Online - Taxation/Tax Accounting schools/classes/degrees

Taxation/Tax Accounting schools/classes/degrees

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When Benjamin Franklin proclaimed that "death and taxes" were the only sure things in life, he left out one thing. People who prepare taxes are as certain as the other two absolutes. You can become one of them by taking taxation classes now for the upcoming tax season, or pursue a taxation degree for a certain long-term career.

Colleges, universities, private business schools, and tax-training institutes provide a broad range in taxation classes throughout the country. There are short-course tax preparation courses that can certify you as a tax preparer. Next come the associate's level degrees in accounting or tax specializations. Associate's degree holders can find employment as junior tax examiners, office accounting clerks, and bookkeepers.

Moving up the Wage and Skills Scale
Whether you chose to work on the corporate or business side of the taxation field, or on the opposite side as a government taxation agency employee, you'll need a bachelor's degree in taxation for most entry positions. Most tax accountants focus on specializations, whether in collections, preparation, litigation, audits, or government regulatory roles

Master's degree programs in taxation really prepare graduates for tax preparation and financial strategy roles in both business and government sectors. You'll need a solid understanding of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Typically, by this stage in your career development, you may choose to test for your Certified Public Accountant (CPA) licensure. In 40 states, you will have to have completed 150 credit hours of accounting and taxation classes to sit for the CPA exam.

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Below are more details about some select schools offering accounting degrees:
You can also view:

Types of Accounting Degrees | Bookkeeping Classes | MBA in Accounting | MBA with a Finance Specialization
Computerized Accounting Courses | Accounting Technology Classes/Degrees
Taxation/Tax Accounting schools/classes/degrees | Industrial Accounting courses/degrees/classes
Government and Non-Profit Accounting courses/degrees/classes | Forensic Accounting Classes/Degrees

Please note: The links below lead to forms where you can request further information. Filling out a form doesn't commit you to anything at all. It's just a way for you to get the information you need so that you can make an educated decision about which schools you'd like to consider.

University of Phoenix

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University of Phoenix

With convenient class locations as well as online learning, University of Phoenix makes quality higher education highly accessible. Whether you�re seeking an associate�s, bachelor�s, master�s or doctoral degree, we can help you reach your goal while you work�and much sooner than you might expect. In fact, University of Phoenix has helped thousands of students achieve the higher education they need to achieve higher success. We can help you too. Find out more. Click here to request more information.

Strayer University

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Strayer University

At Strayer University, we fit your life. Established in 1892 and accredited by the Middle States Commission on Higher Education, Strayer University is dedicated to providing quality higher education programs for working adults like you. Classes are designed to fit your busy schedule, meeting on evenings, weekends, and asynchronously on the web. Undergraduate and graduate programs are available in accounting, business and internet technology.

AIU Online

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AIU Online

Financial accounting communicates economic information and serves as a vital tool for business decision-making. Today's increasingly complex business environments demand experienced professionals who have a thorough understanding of financial and accounting practices.

AIU Online developed the Bachelor's of Business Administration in Accounting and Finance degree program to prepare students interested in pursuing such careers as Public Accountants, Internal Auditors, Controllers, Loan Officers, Personal Financial Advisors and many others.

The AIU Online Bachelor's (BBA) in Accounting and Finance is designed to take advantage of a significant increase in the anticipated demand for qualified finance professionals in the next few years.

This degree program is structured to provide a strong foundation for motivated professionals looking to advance in many interesting financial careers. Graduates will also have a strong foundation for continued studies, should they decide to advance into the AIU Online MBA program in the future.

DeVry University

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DeVry University

Everything we do at DeVry, from our career-oriented majors and our hands-on approach to learning to our practitioner faculty and accelerated schedules, is focused on your career success. Best of all, we have the stats to prove it. More than 90% of DeVry grads were employed in their areas of study within 6 months of graduation* in fast-growing fields like Business, Information Systems and Healthcare Technology. This means you'll earn more than a degree at DeVry. You'll get career education that leads you straight into the professional world.

  • Small classes and individual attention reinforce comprehension. Hands-on learning makes you productive from day one on the job.

  • Learn where and when you want. Onsite at 80+ DeVry locations, online, days, evenings, weekends or through a flexible combination of options. You can even switch between classroom and online study, course by course.

  • Our Student Finance Advisors work with you to make sure that you have as many student financial aid options as possible. Whether it's scholarships and grants, loans, work programs, or a combination, we can put together a student financial aid package that works for you.

  • Accelerate your studies and earn a bachelor�s degree in 3 years or an associate degree in less than 2.
*For June '06, October '06 and February '07, in al DeVry programs and locations combined, 93% of DeVry graduates in the active job market system-wide were employed in their chosen field within 6 months of graduation.

ITT Tech

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ITT Technical Institute

The ITT Technical Institutes offer degree programs in some of today's hottest technical areas. By getting an education from an ITT Tech, you can take advantage of many benefits including:

  • Curriculum designed with employers in mind
  • Convenient class schedules
  • Financial aid to those who qualify
  • Career Services to help you look for a job

Click here to start preparing for your future at ITT Technical Institute!

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